Insight Reports
Impact of Gen-Z on the Gaming Market
In this summary you can find a few of the main ideas presented in our case study detailing what Gen-Z likes in video games and why they play them.

Who are the Gen-Z you keep hearing about? Why are they so important? Why are they so special?

The demographics successors of Millennials and predecessors of Gen-Alpha, also known as Zoomers are the generation that started out in a digital world, for them a smartphone is among the basic needs. They're also the teen generation that must deal with a pandemic as well. These two bits of information offer significant insight for anyone invested in the mobile gaming industry.

Smart devices made gaming accessible to a larger number of people than ever before, including 97% of Gen-Z, that for the duration of 2020 had to spend most of their time in home. The extraordinary circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic drove to record heights the need for social connection and entertainment.

In this summary you can find a few of the main ideas presented in our case study detailing what Gen-Z likes in video games and why they play them.

  • Gen-Z, also known as Zoomers is the generation known for being born in the digital world. 97% of which now own a Smartphone, their age is between 9 and 24 years old.
  • We found that their time spent playing can range between 1 and 2 hours on average per day, mainly on PC, Smartphones and looking towards Consoles too.
  • Games are seen as a time for recreation, to spend time with friends and they're a large part of their media ecosystem. They're familiar with monetization types such as Gacha, Lootboxes, Time-Gates and RNG; and they dislike them as well.
  • In general, they prefer Multiplayer games, however, they do not necessarily like to meet new people through the games they play.
  • Gen-Z throughout, like RPG and Adventure games the most. Among them, the older teens prefer Shooter games and Battle Royales followed by Fighting and Survival games.
  • so they will deserve lots of attention if any Mobile Game Developer wants to make their mark in the Gaming Market.
Gaming Preferences by Session

In terms of average session time, while others play over 2 hours in each session, Self-declared Mid-level and Hardcore Gamers tend to spend more time playing than Casual Gamers.

Younger players spend over 1 hour playing games.

Insight Reports
Gaming Preferences by Session

There was a big divide in data when it comes to player's occupation - Students have responded overwhelmingly that they play longer than 15 hours/week, while full-time employees answered that they only have time to game for 1 to 5 hours.

At the same time, regardless of time spent/week, most players preferred setting aside dedicated gaming time instead of playing in transit or before work.

Insight Reports

Read the full report HERE.