Amber Academy for Students

Since 2017, we try to share with the students as much about game development as possible, in an informal, fun and engaging way.
Amber Academy

About the Project

Crash courses, game jams and an amazing summer camp.

If you want to learn about game development, these events are an invaluable resource.

Crash Courses
Each event has two parts: a tour of the studio and a workshop. The tour is meant to show them our work environment and how the Amber people create the magic.
Guided by our dedicated mentors, every workshop tackles different disciplines of gaming, involving two steps: the basic notions, followed by and empirical practice.
Amber Academy
Game Jam
The most applied event of them all, the game jam's purpose is to challenge the students to build their own game from scratch, while learning to collaborate and practice their game making skills.
Amber Academy
Summer Camp
Summarising the two events mentioned above, Summer Camp is the highlight of every Amber Academy year: for two weeks, the most dedicated participants gather around for an intense gaming bootcamp.
Compared to a Crash Course, who serves as a brief introduction in game development (2-3 hours), Summer Camp goes deeper into the main disciplines for a full week.
Be ready for the coolest part: after these two weeks (one for highschool students & one for college students), the most dedicated peeps get the chance to receive an internship here at Amber.
Amber Academy
Summer Camp 2019 Aftermovie
Amber Academy thumbnail

Summer Camp 2019 Trailer